As a church we are all about Jesus. Everything we do revolves around helping people know Him in a real way and experiencing the real change only He brings. There is a Google generation searching for answers and coming up empty. The gospel is the greatest change agent on the planet and can bring the transformation our generation is searching for.
A vibrant community is filled with life-giving relationships. In a world sick from lies, distraction and disconnection, we see a church committed to uncommon unity and deep connection. Community isn’t an option, it’s a foundation and the place life-giving overflow shapes our homes, our vocations and the wider community.
God doesn’t give anyone a bland gift. He gives each of us a unique creative colour to boldly contribute to the canvas of the church. As we add that colour to the canvas, our unique voice to the song, our gift to the body, we resonate the good news of Jesus to our world!
We keep Jesus the centre of everything. From teaching to worship, groups to outreaches, everything we do exists to exalt Him.
We allow the Holy Spirit to lead our church. We create room for Him to move, we are obedient to His voice and we love His presence.
We are anchored in the word of God. We unashamedly preach from it, ground our beliefs in it and accept it as God’s divinely inspired truth.
We value being with one another. We see gathering as a way to show each other how much they are loved. Our groups and services are not a religious obligation but an expression of our love for Jesus and His church.
We believe prayer is powerful. We give time to prayer regularly and fast and pray throughout the year.
We are committed to sending people, resource, money and time to build the Kingdom. We use whatever we have been given to serve the world around us.
We exist to help people experience Real Change, find Vibrant Community and release Fearless Creativity. In other words, we are here to preach the gospel and make disciples.
Anthem Church is proudly part of the Australian Christian Churches and as such adheres to the beliefs and positional statements of our movement. If you'd like to know more about what we believe then you can visit the ACC website